Opocot ! BHAHAHA
'MELATAH'... ngehehehe.  I love to disturb orang yang melatah. For me mereka yang melatah ni cute, especially makcik makcik. But ! not the one yang melatah with nonsense word or we know it as mencarut.
Okay actually petang tadi mama cerita pasal melatah . and kat Al kuliyyah on tv3 was talked about it. I tak tengok al kuliyyah sebab? boleh tertidur lama, konon nak  short nap. Haha, short lah sangat. So mama told me that melatah is actually not good. Yeah, i know it maa. And melatah is also known as mencarut.Yelah, mana tak nya, nowadays people melatah dengan word word yang pelik je.

Kalau nani maybe just like 'opocot', 'oh mak kau' haha, we use to hear that one right? tapi kalau yang teruk teruk punya word tuh... naaaaa thats not me. Ask my friend, they know me well.
So guys, why dont we change our cara percakapan or our cara melatah. Sometimes even just a litle thing like pen jatuh pun there must be something we could say right ? Now we change it...
Its good if we say 'YaAllah' its more sedap didengar kan? 'Astaghfirullahalazim' ke?
Haha. nani mengingatkan diri nani sendiri jugak okay. saling ingat mengingati.
Kalau salah, let me know okay, TEGUR :) tak marah pun lah :*

 So thats it. LOVE, HANANI. Assalamualaikum :')